How Should Food Workers Deter Pests From Outdoor Dumpsters?

Dumpsters are a useful and important part of the food industry. Having a safe place to put waste helps keep food prep areas clean. For many foodservice businesses, dumpsters are the answer. Unfortunately, dumpsters are also a draw for pests everywhere. It's important to keep trash secure with food service trash receptacles.

There are many things that food workers can do to deter outdoor pests. If you work in the food industry, following these tips can help keep your dumpers safe and clean.

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Can You Throw Light Bulbs In The Trash?

Old used light bulbs are a common waste item produced by businesses and homes. When light bulbs have burned out, it's important for them to be disposed of properly. The way that a light bulb is disposed of depends on the bulb's design and what kind of materials the bulb contains. Some light bulbs are easier to dispose of than others.

Wondering can you throw light bulbs in the trash? We can help. Here's what to know about light bulb disposal.

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